About Us

About Community Council
Our services are designed to be holistic, geographically accessible, culturally sensitive, and coordinated with other related service systems, both formal and informal. Community Council has a long history of providing mental health services to Philadelphia residents and is one of the City of Philadelphia's original 12 Base Service Units. We provide a range of mental health and substance abuse direct services and case management. The organization has a diverse staff of 200 that deliver evidenced based services in a culturally competent manner.
Providing you with the best in service & case management

Our mission at Community Council is to empower individuals and families to achieve optimal mental wellness through comprehensive educational and supportive approaches. We provide accessible, compassionate, and evidence-based behavioral health services that nurture resilience, promote healing, and foster personal growth.

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to develop in a treatment process that best supports their physical, mental, and social well-being.

Vision Statement
Our vision at Community Council is to create a community where every individual has the support, skills, and resources needed to thrive mentally, emotionally, and educationally. We envision a future where our collaborative efforts lead to empowered, resilient, and independent members of society, actively contributing to a healthier and more inclusive world.